lunes, 7 de mayo de 2012

To what extent has the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change provided the basis for international cooperation over climate change?

 As we are going to see, the United Nations has participated as one of the main actors to fight against the global warming, to make the population be aware about the dangers of this process, and also as a main player to set up international institutions to gather all the information, share it with other countries and debate about them in order to get solutions and compromises form the countries. Therefore, important cooperative platforms for politicians and scientists. During this essay we are going to see how this global warming problem started, what implications it has, and the attempts of the United Nations to establish a global governance and different convention to fight against it.

During the process of industrialization that started in the United Kingdom during the second half of the 19th Century, the human being have been using coal, and later oil, as a source of energy for their machines. These energy sources release a large amount of C02 (among other gases). This pattern of energy is the responsible, according with different scientists, to the rise of the global temperatures and other effects in the climate of different regions on the Earth.

This idea started to be accepted among the society during the second half of the 20th Century and a feeling that something must be done to stop it started to be spread among the population of the developed countries. Also, during the 60s and 70s of the past Century the first signs of the global warming started to be visible, like less snow cover during the winter, retreat of the glaciers, irregular pattern of rainfall, more number of floods and torrential rain, and in the Gulf of Mexico, increased number of hurricanes (and the same for the typhoons in Eastern Asia).

But, the worst observed effects of the global warming have been in Africa. The consequences of the global warming do not have been more severe in Africa than other parts of the World. The truth is that neither have been soft (floods, long droughts, heat waves...). But they have had a terrible effects because they have been suffered by countries with a weak preventing systems and by poor persons that could not, and cannot, fight against these factors in a proper way. For example in the African region of the Sahel, there has been a drought that has lasted for many years, provoking the failure of the agriculture and leaving thousands of persons without a food supply.

With the appearance of post-materialist movements in the 70s in the developed countries, linked with the war of Vietnam, neo-liberal governments and the reduction of the welfare systems (in the United States (Ronald Reagan), the United Kingdom (Margaret Thatcher), and, in a smaller way in France and Germany). There was an increase in the studies of this field and the first applications of the newly technologies to save energy. This studies and number and sophistication of technologies and applications will be increasing in an exponential way with the pass of the years.

Among this new concern of the global warming and starting debate the United Nations tried to be an agenda setter actor. This institution tried to lead the debate through the creation by different UN agencies, jobs about applications, regulations and awareness of the effects of the global warming (for example the Food and Agriculture Organization boosted the debate about the global warming and its consequences). And later by organizing international conventions inviting NGOs, Governments and other main actors involved (like companies) to debate about how to control and regulate the global warming. With this conventions, the United Nations was trying: to make the public opinion aware of this problem, boost the cooperation of different governments, enhance the investigation on the scientific way and also on the policy-making side, and build a final common opinion and set-up of objectives.

With these previous mentioned actions the United Nations as a global institution, approached to the concept of global governance. Trying to mediate among the countries and suggesting solutions, unifying policies and efforts to attack the problem in an effective way.

Added to the conventions, that we will explain in some lines ahead. The United Nations, through the General Assembly, created the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) in 1988, this is a board of scientists in charge of advice the governments about weather and climate change issues. And is the responsible for a great number of investigations and models of where is the global warming going. The IPCC has been one of the most successful measures taken by the United Nations, as it has founded a big support among the countries and has led a big number of discussions among scientist and policy-makers of the governments involved, resulting in importance recommendations for further measures awaiting to be taken by the governments; and numerous documents used by researchers at Universities and other institutions.

The first convention was “The United Nations conference on the Human Environment” in 1972. With the innovation that the environment was seen as a source of health and well-being for the human being and that every person have the right to enjoy it. This set up the bases for new policies more respectful with the citizens and, for example, pushed up the numbers of national parks in the developed countries. Although, in the undeveloped countries nothing changed. But the gap North-South was bigger, and increasing, in term of social progress, economic performance and respect and quality of the environment.

The next summit in 1992 went a little bit forward. This summit, called “The Earth summit” in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) included more sustainable measures, like promoting the use of public transport more respectful with the environment or the use of alternative energies instead of fossil fuels.

The Rio de Janeiro summit produced and international treaty that would be used as the base for future protocols: The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. This framework convention stated a reduction of greenhouse gases. But it did not establish any number nor objective. This was left for future updates of the objectives in specific areas.

An important part of this United Nations Framework is that there is an assumption of responsibilities by the countries. But not all the countries are responsible in the same way. Here is made a differentiation among developed countries, developing countries and undeveloped ones. The developed countries are the ones with bigger responsibility because during the way to arrive to this status they have pollute in a great quantity, and even currently they are doing so. On the other hand the developing countries are increasing they rates of pollution in an exponential way, specially China and India. Finally the undeveloped countries, because of their situation do not pollute much, although their economic activities have an important impact in the environment because they do not respect the ecological standards. To this Framework was added at the “annex” part the level of emissions of some countries in order to use them as a reference for objective targeting of future agreements. (Davenport 2008: 51)

Also in the United Nations Framework it was adopted the “Precautionary Principle” that means that, despite we do not know with certainty what is going to result of the increase of greenhouse gases, this does not mean that we are not going to avoid it. (Davenport 2008: 51)

Another relevant agreement was the adoption of sustainable development, translated by someone as “change the World without changing the Planet”, highlighting the idea that we can live in a better planet without destroying the Planet and changing the environment. This principle will influence in a great way the policies of several countries, as Spain, whose energy is now generated in an average of 30% by renewable energies (Méndez, 2010) (Davenport 2008: 51)

It also establish the compromise of the developed countries to reduce the level of emissions by the numbers managed in 1990. This a crucial point, although no legally binding, because separates the developed from the developing countries. With this the progress of the developing countries will not be compromised by the emissions objectives, as, it can be said, that they started to pollute many years after the developed ones. (Davenport 2008: 51)

This Framework also establish the compromise of the developed countries to help the developing ones to reduce the emissions by transition of technologies and financial assistance. This mechanism is intended to reduce the pollution prize of the developing countries. (Davenport 2008: 51)

All these agreement points, although not legally binding, will have an important influence in future conventions and agreements, as they will be used as a base for future improvements and bigger ambitions. And also at the national level in new policies and attitudes towards the environment.

One of these future treaties (or agreement) that will use the UN Framework will be known as a protocol, and is the Kyoto Protocol, a legally binding part of the treaty that established a reduction of the greenhouse gases lower than the 1990 level. But, it was only legally binding for the developed countries, as it is considered that they have a bigger part of the global warming responsibility.

It was signed and ratified by all the countries except for the US and Canada. Although the other countries did not succeed in a great way with the accomplishment of the objectives.

The Protocol of Kyoto established targets of reduction of greenhouse gases in a five percent lower than the ones released in 1990. But there was also some mechanism of flexibility like a market of rights of emissions. For example, if an economy is going to grow in a greater way than expected (the economic growth is always linked with more emission of gases) can buy rights of emission to a third country that is not going to use them.

But, there is not a political willingness to respect these agreements. This is known because in 2010 there was a reduction in the number of rights to pollute of 5% according to the figures of the World Bank, but the pollution was increased in a bigger rate in the same year. (Balsells, 2011)

Linked with this breach of the treaty are many reasons like:

The first one is that this treaty will affect the performance of the most developed economies and that the developing economies should also pay for their pollution (over all India and China; as they have the financial strength to do it). This is the reason why the United States officially refuse to ratify the Protocol of Kyoto.

Another reason is the lobby done by the conventional energy companies (like Chevron in the United States) o heavy industries like the aluminum (like the also American Alcoa). Because this Protocol represents millions of dollars in industrial reconversion.

The Kyoto Protocol was effective from 2005 to 2012. But as there was not willingness of the Governments, and in the middle of an economic crisis, neither the companies were up to face additional loses for polluting. Then, they started a campaign to stop the negotiation of another substitute of the us-by-date Kyoto Protocol. These are one of the main causes why the Copenhagen Convention failed to achieve a substitute in 2009. In this convention the European Union was the only developed country that was defending the continuation of the Kyoto Protocol

During the Kyoto Protocol and after it was clear that there is a split between producers and exporters of oil. Because, it is assumed that, generally, the OPEC countries are not interested in the reduction of greenhouse gases. (Davenport 2008: 50) As it is known, the only possibility that a climate change succeed is including in the agreement the members that are not so worried about this problem because their economies are based in carbon exports like Russian and the already mentioned countries that are the main producers of oil. (Victor, 2011: 265)

In this situation. And with the blockage of the Conventions, the United Nations has demonstrated itself to be unable to continue leading the “global governance” over this topic, because the other actors involved are pursuing their own national objectives without negotiating with the international community. This is the idea of the United States, which is in the pursuit of an stable economic growth, and leaving the threat of recession and the economic crisis behind, without taking into account that this growth is provoking an increase of emissions of greenhouse gases and this is affecting to the other persons in the world.

Summarizing, we can affirm that the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change was a key agreement that led to the well-known Kyoto Protocol. It set-up the bases for a bigger cooperation among countries, and also among regions, trying to reduce the emissions and also helping each other with the transition of technology, and the financial aid when it was needed. But, because of the blocking and inactivity of some vital players, this cooperation was mainly reduced to the European Union and some undeveloped and developed countries. With this unwilling attitude of the great polluters the reduction objectives were almost impossible to reach. If Russia, China, India, the United States, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Mexico were have been more committed to this task, then the outcome would have been different, and not like today, with the negotiations for another protocol blocked. The framework for the cooperation it is already built, with norms and agreements that cover all the stages, the only thing left it is political willingness.

But the United Nations has to find another way to impose, or at least unblock the situation where the conventions are. Because the next global warming convention that is going to be held soon in Doha it is expected that is going to be closed without any improvement or agreement. Another solution would be look for another system that could substitute the figures of Conventions (with many actors and interests involved), like the proposal of the United Kingdom to include the climate change as a threat to the world, therefore it could be deal by the Security Council of the United Nations (the reason why the United Kingdom proposed this is because they defend that the global warming can be the cause of future wars because of the rise of seas and shrinking of resources. This was known as green helmets peace-making missions) (Goldenberg, 2011). The UN has helped to provide a Framework for the cooperation of the governments to fight against this problem. But further social transformations are needed to make the transition from fossil fuels to other sources easier and also reducing the groups of interest that depend on this business and currently are helping to block the negotiations of the Conventions.


Méndez, Rafael, 2010 Las renovables baten otra marca y ya producen el 35% de la electricidad. El País, 28th December. Available at:

Balsells, Ferrán, 2011, Kioto languidece y la ONU prevé aún más calentamiento. El País, 2nd of June. Available at:

Goldenberg, Suzzane, UN Security Council to consider climate change peacemaking. The Guardian, 20th July. Available at:

Victor, David G., Global Warming Gridlock, 2011. Chapter 8.

Davenport, Devorah, Turning down the heat, 2008.

Bradley Jr., Robert L., Climate Alarmism Reconsidered, 2003. Chapter 5.

Victor, David G., The Collapse of the Kyoto Protocol and the struggle to slow global warming, 2001.

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